it is pretty hard to be inspired or thoughtful in a Starbucks. Having no internet sends me into a scramble when i get there because i feel like i am missing out and not just on Facebook and friends but also pop culture and what else is happening in the world.
I have spent the last week or so knitting and watching movies/ Tv shows to pass the time and while its nice not to have to depend on internet i felt like things were slipping away… jobs being one of those things.
one week already passed into the house and i feel like its going to be just right.
on our first night we played trouble, listened to music and lived liked squatters on a junkie mattress in the living room.
By friday we managed to buy and return a tv, get a lounge to sit on and come to understand Chico as a drunk.
one broken banister, a chewed on moccasin and hours of entertainment.
Come morning the guests of the night had left and everyone comes to my room for a sleep in. 5 in the bed anyone?
Simple and fun nights/ mornings like this make me certain that i will love the time i spend in London.
I have crossed off a few things on my list and now its a job i seek. employment.
Starting to worry about the money situation slightly but it will come good.
time time time.
I also started seeing a boy. I quite like him too.