This is Mine. This has now turned into my travel blog. sometime i may not make sense and you will just have to bare with me.. staring at a computer screen is a buzz kill. the photos will be mostly mine.

You're My Favorite Person..

I Just realized that the Australian Summer is over in 2 days. T W O D A Y S.
What are we supposed to do in 2 DAYS.
I think i need to move to the other side of the world so i get Summer all year round. we are a Island for christ sake, it should be a never ending summer.
but it wouldn't be the same. Summer is only summer with my friends, my festivals and my city.
I happen to really enjoy Winter but, i don't know, maybe because i lived in the city this year it was better, easier, more accessible.

Just like that, Christmas & the New Year come and the summer goes, before you know it you're wishing the year away just to feel your skin burn, to get that natural glow,to wear the denim shorts, the short dresses, to taste MangosCherriesPlums Grapes and late afternoon drinks by the water.


We had a promise made.

Would it be good enough.

Sharing different Heartbeats.

About Me

My photo
You may have noticed I am not all there myself
