This is Mine. This has now turned into my travel blog. sometime i may not make sense and you will just have to bare with me.. staring at a computer screen is a buzz kill. the photos will be mostly mine.

No Way- Norway, Bergen

For a very quick trip instead of Copenhagen i decide to go to Bergen.. for one reason really, Snow.
London really wasn't getting cold enough for snow and there was so way i was going to miss it this winter. 
I arrive and there isn't a flake to be seen. devastated, now don't get me wrong, Bergen is a very pretty city but i cant say that i was disappointed upon arriving.
i get to the very shitty hostel in a very prime location about midday, get in contact with Pernille- Carlie's Norwegian friend and let her know i am heading out to check the city and that ill be back in a few hours.
I head out and wander around the city, which did not take long, tried to get a tattoo but as one can assume it was all booked out and then kept wandering. up streets, around parks, trying to reassure myself that it was worth it- i know that sounds bad but as i said earlier.. slightly devo with the lack of snow.
I get back to the hostel to warm up and contact Pernille to see if she is around and subsequently meet up with her.
She took me up the *** and it gave a amazing view of the city below.
the sun was setting which set a beautiful light over the town.. we didn't stay long as it was freezing but well worth the trip.
Once back down the mountain we wander around the town before contacting her friend for info on the best fish soup in town.. i was sceptical, fish soup does not sound that appealing but when travelling you have to kind let the go of certain views for sure. 
We head into this very traditional Norwegian restaurant and eagerly await the meal.
i don't know if i have ever had a soup as amazing at that fish soup, served with rustic bread it was so delicious i cant still taste it now. 
Even though it was still quite early, i head back to the hostel- im exhausted as i got up at 4am to make sure i got to the airport on time unlike my trip to Scotland…
I was stupid enough to also forget my charger for my laptop so i went into the lounge and started to watch Norwegian tv and reading my next chapter of Mindfullness.
i end up watching a really cool doco on base jumping and these crazy guys who jumped a cave in China which noone had ever jumped before- being completely distracted by this i hadn't noticed it was snowing outside.
just as i was heading to bed i saw a massive snow storm brewing outside and i could not hold in my excitement. amazing. 
i run to the room, grab my camera and head outside to take photos.. i don't know how long it is going to last so i need proof.
oh god, i was so happy!
i eventually head back to my bed hopping the snow will continue through the night.

it did not. However it  was extrodinarilly cold, and you know, fair enough right but not only was it cold, i couldnt warm myself up every now and again by heading into a shop with heating as all of Bergen was closed.. being a small town i should have known this but i didnt so i went for a wander to the other side of town and took some more photos, the sun was out today so it was much more picturesque.

With a pretty good amount of money to spend i figure ill head back up the mountain i was at yesterday and get some daylight on the view instead of the sunset.. now this turned out to be the best part of the trip. There wasnt any snow on the ground from the night before so for some reason i thought it had been raining out.. little did i know that on top of that mountain it was a winter wonderland.
Kids with sleds and toboggans running around and a huge blanket of snow. it was beautiful. it was perfect, exactly what i wanted to see. 
There was nothing to do at the top but i probably spent 2 hours up there just taking it all in not knowing the time i would see snow. 
This memory still makes me happy. 
Absolutely breathtaking. 
i head back down and walk towards the fish market for some fish cakes as recommended by Carlie and Pernille and while it was expensive it was pretty amazing too. 
That about sums up Bergen for me, i left with a beautiful sunset and sights of snow capped mountains.. it definitely made me think someone made it snow just for me. 

It also made me want to come back and explore the fjords in the summer time,the language isnt much of a barrier either so even though it was costly i will definitely make a trip back to Norway.

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